Code Pie – Love Meets Rage

Love Meets Rage is one of those rare records that stopped us in our tracks the first time we heard it. As we grew to appreciate every one of its contours that awe only increased as we discovered it’s wealth of ingenuity. Of course you’re used to reading such effusiveness from overexcited labels bigging up their acts but we think you’ll be just as blown away as us when you hear this gorgeous album. Over 10 tracks Code Pie engagingly switch tact, genre and momentum but somehow it feels like a natural progression. There is a little adventure around every corner and each one is embellished with the sort of sucrose melody that will have you returning time and again.

You can buy ‘Love Meets Rage’ on CD for €9 (free worldwide delivery) which also includes an immediate high quality download of the album. So you can fall in love straight away while the physical makes its way to you. Alternatively you can choose the download only for €4.

For some perspective from the band Rebecca and Sal now paint the backdrop for the making of Love Meets Rage

‘Love Meets Rage’ was a return to self-recording for Code Pie. While recording in a studio, which we did for our second album ‘The Most Trusted Name in Yous’, was a seminal experience for us, we decided we could do without the stress and pressure that came along with it (deadlines, not being able to book dates, and of course, the costs) and concentrate on the music. So, almost all the material on ‘Love Meets Rage’ was recorded in our practice space.

The songs on the album were culled from 2-3 years worth of jam sessions, which we think makes it slightly more eclectic than past recordings, sort of a curated sampling of the different routes we take when we are playing together. A lot happened while we were working on ‘LMR’: some of us took time to travel, a few got married and one even had a baby, all of which slowed things down but also ensured that decisions regarding the album and the songs had time to stew.

We tend to butt heads in the mixing room, so we decided to enlist an “outsider” to help out: Kevin Komoda, who had been one of the engineers on our last album. The mixing process took months and involved copious amounts of Macadamia nuts (Kevin’s Hawaiian family kept sending them), PBR and new Doritos flavors. Of course, albums, as they say, are never finished, just abandoned. When we got to that point, we sent the album to NYC for mastering, with some additional mastering done in Montreal.

All told, ‘Love Meets Rage’ was a long time in the making, which often made it a frustrating experience. Ultimately, though, we’re very happy with it. It is in a lot of ways, the end of one period in the band’s story and the start of another. We hope you like it.

Rebecca & Sal


Said The Gramophone

…although the instrumentation is familiar, the arrangement is mischievous, fresh; it’s determined and shambolic, like someone who is very carefully falling down the stairs and into his next move….

Montreal Mirror

…subtly wondrous melodies and a hardy sonic force that could blast through basement floorboards….

The 405

…one of my chill-out albums for my upcoming holiday….

John Meagher (Irish Independent)

…beguiling boy-girl vocals, lovely instrumentation, unexpected directions, sweet dream-pop moments…..

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