Spring EP: 2.50 euro (Currency Converter)
Spring EP & Remixes: 4 euro (Currency Converter)
Ahh the 1st of February, ahh the 1st of Spring, ahh the first of many! Yep, we’re finally on the musical map with the first indiecater exclusive release courtesy of our good friends from Idaho the Very Most. You can listen to the first quarter of our ‘A Year With The Very Most’ project below. It’s called ‘Spring’ and given the time of year that we’ve released it I’m sure you can guess the name of the other 3 parts that will be along later in the year. Down with all those gimmicks I hear you say and we agree. The most important aspect of our union with the Very Most is that it has resulted in some seriously great music. In fact if one were to close ones eyes and listen intently one could conceivably end up getting smile cramp such is the happiness it expels. And all it costs is buttons (metal and in the shape of 2 and a half euro coins – in return you get 4 high quality mp3s and some neat artwork) to let the good times flow. We’d like to thank Jedrzej for the great shots that make up EP’s artwork and Chris and Laura’s production crew based out in Maynooth who are currently putting a video together for one of the songs. Exciting times! Summer will be along on May 1st.
Listen To The Sound Of Spring!
[audio: http://www.mp3hugger.net/indiecater/tvmspring/The Very Most – Today It Is Even Better.mp3, http://www.mp3hugger.net/indiecater/tvmspring/The Very Most – April Is The Kindest Month.mp3, http://www.mp3hugger.net/indiecater/tvmspring/The Very Most – The Only Pretty Ring Time.mp3, http://www.mp3hugger.net/indiecater/tvmspring/The Very Most – 7th Grade Romance.mp3|titles=Today It Is Even Better, April Is The Kindest Month, The Only Pretty Ring Time, A Two Week Springtime 7th Grade Romance]Free Download: The Very Most – April Is The Kindest Month
Spring is changing……
***Spring/Summer EP Deal***
Add the Spring & Summer EP’s to your shopping cart and use the discount code ‘springsummer’ to get 50 cents off the total price. That’s 2 EP’s for €4.50!!
Press Quotes
‘…will warm you up so fast you’ll forget it’s still cold outside…’
‘Prepare for an imminent cheering up by the band that makes dying sound like a jangle of a good time.’
‘I became endeared to its shamelessly poppy and charming qualities’
‘Beautiful, optimistic, seemingly care-free pop-music with boy/girl vocals, delicious choruses, tambourines and handclaps.’
Adrift On Deep Water, The Culture Of Me, Nialler9, Not So Fresh, Swear I’m Not Paul, Tenacious T., The Clare People, Russell’s Reviews, Fire Escape Talking